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Arts Administration Program Requirements

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  • Kim Zarkin (Chair)

Program Goals

  • To develop writing and editing skills applicable to a variety of professions in the arts community.
  • To learn to effectively present skills, interests, accomplishments, and abilities to prospective employers or clients.
  • To demonstrate appropriate attitudes, skills, and techniques essential to working in a team as a member and a leader.
  • To develop an understanding of the fundamentals of nonprofit organizations.
  • To develop a fundamental understanding of business practices.


The Arts Administration Program offers a major in Arts Administration leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. The curriculum is designed to prepare a student for a productive career as a leader of an arts organization.

Program Requirements

Students who major in Arts Administration are required to have a minor in Art, Dance, Film Studies, Music, or Theatre. Students may also create a contract minor of 24 credits.

Students must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA in courses required for the major. Prerequisite courses must be satisfied with a grade of C- or better.

Students must meet the university-wide graduation requirements in addition to completing course work for the Arts Administration major:

  • 124 total hours
  • 30 upper division hours
  • WCore or Honors College requirements

Arts Administration Major

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. World Language Requirement 8  
Arts Administration majors must complete eight credit hours in a single world language.    
II. Required Business Courses 12  
ACCT 213 Financial Accounting 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
BUSI 101A Business Fundamentals I: Communicating 3  
BUSI 101B Business Fundamentals I: Calculating 3 MATH 101 or above
BUSI 101C Business Fundamentals I: Company Lab 0  
BUSI 225 Business Law and Ethics 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
III. Required Communication Courses 24-28  
COMM 210 Media Writing I 4  
COMM 310 Business & Professional Communication 4  
COMM 326 Introduction to Web Writing and Design 4  
COMM 336 Public Relations Principles 4  
COMM 380 Communication and Nonprofit Organizations 4  
COMM 440* Internship 1-6 Junior standing
COMM 490 Portfolio Workshop (take during last two semesters) 2  
IV. Electives 17  
Take seventeen credit hours of elective courses:
ACCT 313 Managerial Accounting 3 ACCT 213
COMM 250 Introduction to Human Communication 4  
COMM 325 Designing Dynamic Images 4  
COMM 345 Video Production 4  
COMM 350 Leadership & Decision Making 4  
COMM 360 Race, Gender, Class and the Media 4  
COMM 365 Intercultural and Global Communication 4  
COMM 370 Design Foundations 4  
COMM 371 Multimedia Tools and Production 4 COMM 370
COMM 372 Design and the User Experience 4 COMM 371
COMM 440* Internship 1-6 Junior standing
MGMT 305 Principles of Management 4 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
MGMT 310 The Entrepreneurial Mindset 2  
MGMT 311 Business Model Development 2  
MGMT 400 Global Business Strategy 4 MGMT 305
MGMT 433 Organizational Behavior 4 MGMT 305
MGMT 460 Organizational Change and Advanced Management 4 MGMT 305
MKTG 300 Principles of Marketing 3 BUSI 101A/B/C
MKTG 303 Professional Selling 4 MKTG 300
V. Accompanying Minor Requirement 21-28  
Students who major in Arts Administration are required to have a minor in Art, Dance, Film Studies, Music, or Theatre. Students may also create a custom minor of 24 credits.
Art Minor 23  
Dance Minor 21 Audition required
Film Studies Minor 24  
Music Minor 24-28 Audition required
Theatre Minor 26  
Custom Minor—Students may choose an existing minor or build a course list in conjunction with the chair of Arts Administration. 24  
Total Hours for Arts Administration Major 82–93  

* If a student is a double major where both majors require an internship, a single internship may count towards both majors, contingent on faculty approval.

Recommended Plan of Study for Arts Administration Major