WCore Social and Behavioral Sciences Courses

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WCore Requirements

ECON 130 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Catallaxy 4 Credits
We will hitchhike through time from the catallaxy (economy) of 18th Century BC Babylon to the catallaxy of present-day Utah to better understand two millennia of commerce, currency, chaos, control, and choice in a world of uncertainty and scarcity. During this period, the lives of commoners changed dramatically. Just a few centuries ago they were pawns of kings. Today, many of us live more lavishly than feudal queens and kings. We will use economic history and basic tools of economic science to study the dramatic changes in the lives of commoners. (WCore: WCSBS)
ECON 150 Economics, Ethics, and Growth 3 Credits
This class explores economic ideas through the effort to enhance economic growth by extending the market, and the counter movement to protect human beings, nature, and productive organizations from market forces. Extending the market involves transforming human beings, nature, and productive organization into commodities. This manifests itself in crises, inequality, environmental degradation, and so on. (WCore: WCSBS)
EDUC 207 Don't Give Up on Us: Promoting Hope and Resilience in the Face of Childhood Trauma 4 Credits
This Social and Behavioral Sciences W-Core course will explore ways in which traumatic childhood events impact and shape individuals' brain development, health and well-being, relationships, educational trajectories, and involvement with the justice system. We will investigate traditional practices, policies, and structures found within a variety of organizations and critically analyze how they impact the success of youth and adults who have experienced childhood trauma. Furthermore, through community engagement, we will learn from and work with professionals in the field who implement trauma-responsive practices and examine case studies that illuminate trauma-informed practices in education, health care, social services, and in the foster care and justice systems. Based on these experiential and academic experiences, students will apply concepts of transformation, social responsibility, and sustainability to solving real-world problems. (WCore: WCSBS)
ENVI 103 Radical Hope 4 Credits
We live in a world in the midst of a climate crisis, a 6th great extinction, and ongoing environmental injustice. How might we find hope in our connection to things like pigeons, mushrooms, and frogs? The world around us is filled with environmental monsters and ghosts. What might we learn from those stories of horror and loss? The Anthropocene seems fraught with change, peril, and despair at every step; what tools for a more verdant and just future, what seeds for radical hope might we find among the ruins? this course aims to acknowledge the dramatic changes associated with the Anthropocene and the anxiety and despair that those changes might produce. In response, however, together we will look for tools to address this despair and reassess those changes to consider ways we might discover creative connections to the world around us, and how those connections might contain kernels of a more hopeful present and future. (WCore: WCSBS)
ENVI 202 People and Places 4 Credits
Have you seen hilarious public restroom graffiti, or initials and the symbol of a heart carved on the face of a boulder? Have you wondered about why people do what they do and say what they say in certain places but not other surroundings? How do people make sense of and cope with surroundings such as a prison, or a crowded and polluted neighborhood? Through readings, discussions, site visits, and other activities, we will delve deep into the intricacies of human-place relationships and examine the way in which social differences (race, gender, class, etc.) shape and influence that relationship. Topics may include nature in prisons, wilderness therapy, and community gardens, among others. (WCore: WCSBS)
ENVI 203 Climate Resilience 4 Credits
In this course, students will engage in extensive interdisciplinary research on how indigenous and people of colors communities build ecological, cultural, and emotional resilience in response to the crisis of climate change. Students will also collaborate on developing a website where they communicate their research findings to the general public. New content for the website will be created by cohorts of students each time the course is offered. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
HIST 124 Film and Memory 4 Credits
This course analyzes the intersection between film culture and the past by placing memory at the center of analysis. In other words, it explores how different genres of film, from war dramas to science fiction, shape the way communities remember the past and imagine the future. We will explore the representation of diverse societies and people groups in a variety of global films, focusing especially on the film industries of post-1945 Germany(s), the Soviet Union/ Russia, Japan, and China/ Hong Kong. This course will consider how visions of the future reflect historical realities (new ideas about science, nuclear war, space exploration). We will examine how different actors-production companies, directors, studios, and the state-attempt to craft national narratives and contribute to community identity through different genres. (WCore: WCSBS, RE)
HIST 204 Truth and Reconciliation 4 Credits
This course explores past and present attempts to achieve "Truth and Reconciliation" in the wake of
violent and traumatic historical events. We will examine comparative examples of Truth and Reconciliation processes in places like South Africa, Canada, Chile, and Greensboro, South Carolina. We will also compare these processes with artistic and grassroots ways to come to terms with the past as well as international war tribunals. By closely analyzing the way individuals and governments create public memory about shared experiences and historical events, we will raise questions about the complex nature of seeking truth and studying history, and the tension between the pursuit of reconciliation and the desire for justice. This course has an oral history component. (WCore: WCSBS, WE)
HIST 214 Vietnam and America 4 Credits
This course explores the tangled history of America's involvement in Vietnam, the war's impacts on the people of both nations, and the war's global legacy. We will emphasize the reasons, meanings, and outcomes of the war for a range of participants: Vietnamese soldiers and civilians, northern and southern; U.S. civilians, policy makers, and soldiers, pro- and anti- war; and participants, observers, and protesters around the world. This course fulfills the WCore Research Emphasis. You will learn and practice history-specific research, discussion, and writing skills in a variety of assignments, including weekly reflective journals and crafting short "vignettes" and a longer research paper based on primary and secondary sources that you find, evaluate, analyze, and communicate to your classmates. (WCore: WCSBS, RE)
JUST 109 Power and Social Change 4 Credits
Power and Social Change is an exploratory course: the place where the student will be exposed to concepts, problems, and challenges of the ethics of justice. This will be accomplished by laying a phenomenological foundation to the study of justice. The student becomes familiar with (in)justice problems, critically analyze and challenge materials and images detailing the complexity of social constructions. By using critical analysis, students evaluate the ways in which race, ethnicity, class, (dis)ability, and gender intersect in the social structure. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
LMW 131 Shakespeare, Culture, and Society 4 Credits
Shakespeare's plays and poems are important cultural artifacts of English society, its customs, traditions, structures, and institutions. We will investigate how the performance of Shakespeare's works function in 17th-century England and global modernity, drawing on theorists such as Stephen Greenblatt, Clifford Geertz, and René Girard. We will consider the role of Shakespeare's art in relation to issues of social order and of social change. (WCore: WCSBS, WE)
NURS 101 Aging Matters: Social Gerontology 4 Credits
The goal of this course is to prepare students to describe the complexity and diversity of older adults, explore ways to work effectively with older adults and promote healthy aging. Students will examine aspects of aging within historical, cultural, physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, economic and interpersonal contexts. The impact of an increased aging population on society and how society cares for the aging population will be a central theme of the course. (WCore: WCSBS)
NURS 109 Sociology, Wellness, and Healthcare 4 Credits
Students are challenged to think critically about the sociology of health and healthcare. Questions students will analyze are: 1) how social forces affect health, illness, and healthcare; 2) how society views the meaning and experience of illness with an emphasis on mental illness; 3) the social distribution of healthcare in the United States; 4) the social meaning of health care systems and technologies; 5) the sociology of differing healthcare practitioners and practices. Additionally, students will explore how sociology can affect healthcare around the world. Finally, through case studies students will examine ethical dilemmas in healthcare and the politics underpinning those dilemmas. (WCore: WCSBS)
PLSC 106 Explorations in Politics 4 Credits
This course explores contemporary political issues in the context of a diverse and globalized world. Issue areas explored may vary depending on political events at the time. (WCore: WCSBS, WE)
PLSC 203 Courts, Law, and Social Justice 4 Credits
In this course, students use the tools of social science and legal analysis to understand and analyze the role of law and the courts in American society and politics. Students come away from this course with an appreciation for the role of law in American society, an ability to use the basic tools and principles of legal analysis, and a perspective on US courts that is informed by social science theory. (WCore: WCSBS)
SOC 105 The Sociological Imagination 4 Credits
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to sociology by examining the cultural, organizational, and social forces that shape people’s perceptions, actions, and opportunities. Areas of emphasis include the sociological perspective; social inequality; and social roles, groups, and institutions. (WCore: WCSBS, DE).
SOC 205 Social Problems 4 Credits
Focusing on various social problems such as poverty, unemployment, crime, substance abuse, racism, discrimination, gender inequality, sexual inequality, and global inequality, this course utilizes sociological analysis to examine how social problems are defined and dealt with within the United States and other parts of the world. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
SOC 253 Sociology of the Family 4 Credits
This course explores the modern American family, examining the traditions, roles, functions, representations, changes, and controversies surrounding the social institution of the family. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
SOC 320 Sociology of Popular Culture 4 Credits
This course explores the social implications of popular culture. Focusing on film, television, video games, music, fashion, books, magazines, social media, social networking, and other forms of entertainment, the course critically examines how popular culture is produced, disseminated, consumed, interpreted, and experienced in the United States. (WCore: WCSBS)
SOC 330 Sports and Society 4 Credits
This course explores sports as a significant cultural, political, and economic force in American society. Focusing on both established and alternative sports, the course incorporates a sociological perspective to critically examine how sports are organized, played, experienced, observed, perceived, and critiqued in the United States. (WCore: WCSBS, SC)
SOC 342 Sociology of the Life Course 4 Credits
This course examines the life course using a sociological perspective. We will examine the social processes associated with the life course, connecting individual experiences to larger social and historical processes. Life course theory will be used to highlight the following aspects of the aging process: 1) individuals are shaped by historical time and place; 2) individual lives are interconnected to others through social interaction; 3) individuals make choices for their lives and construct their own life course within the context of historical and social opportunities and constraints; 4) the timing of life events shapes an individual's immediate and future life course. During the last few weeks of class we will also explore a number of social issues central to our aging society. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
THTR 275 Period Styles 3 Credits
Historic architecture, interior design styles, and fashion are essential areas of knowledge for theatre designers. Many productions are not only set in historic periods and locales, but also draw on historic inspirations. This course will introduce theatre majors to a range of historic and global period styles in architecture, decor, and fashion for application in theatre design. Students will learn basic terminology of architectural features, furniture, and fashion. Students will also learn about research methods and historical and cross cultural influences in fashion and architecture. (WCore: WCSBS, RE)
WCSBS 103 Communicating Across Cultures 4 Credits
Student explore intercultural communication concepts and theories. Students learn to become flexible communicators by: understanding concepts such as cultural value patterns and cultural-ethnic identity; exploring the process of crossing boundaries such as the development of culture shock; knowing how attitudes and beliefs influence behaviors and how cultural values are expressed through language. Cultural boundaries examined in this course include culture, race, and ethnicity. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
WCSBS 107 Exploring Global Challenges 4 Credits
This course explores the complex interaction among global issues and challenges across multiple fields like ecology, economy, culture, society, politics, and health. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
WCSBS 110 Immigration, Education, and Equality 4 Credits
This Social and Behavioral Sciences WCore course will explore ways in which environment, race, culture, and social class shape immigrants' educational experiences. We will read and analyze accounts of immigrants' experiences in public schools,, and critique perspectives regarding immigrant success in United States society and interact directly with immigrant students at a local school. We will explore differences in the educational outcomes of older and newer immigrants and look at the role of schools and other community organizations in the lives of immigrant youth. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
WCSBS 113 The Nature of Language 4 Credits
Examines ongoing issues concerning cognitive and social aspects of language. In exploring both popular and scientific perspectives on language, students develop skills in critical thinking while exploring elements of linguistic analysis. This course is framed around the following questions: What are the components of the language system? How do we acquire this system? And, how is this system used in society? In short: this course uses the lens of linguistics to examine real-life experiences. (WCore: WCSBS)
WCSBS 130 Restorative Justice 4 Credits
This Social and Behavioral Sciences WCore course will examine practices in policing, adjudication, incarceration, and methods of school discipline both nationally and locally, and explore the efficacy of restorative justice practices as an alternative to punitive discipline and sentencing in these settings. Through site visits to the Salt Lake Peer Court and local schools, work with the Restorative Justice Collaborative of Utah, the examination of case studies, and participating in restorative justice circles, students will examine the impact that these practices can have on individuals and communities and make suggestions for real-world change. (WCore: WCSBS)
WCSBS 131 Folklore of Many Americas 4 Credits
This class is an introduction to the study of folklore, which celebrates the art of the everyday. Folklorists study stories, songs, sayings, legends, folk beliefs, and other aspects of traditional culture. Although a lot of folklore reinforces the status quo, this course focuses on the folklore of minority groups in America and asks if and when folklore can be an act of resistance. (WCore: WCSBS, RE)
WCSBS 132 The Art of Adulting 3 Credits
You're in college, now what? This course discusses personal wellness, career selection, developing emotional resiliency and coping skills, and finding your path through ethics, leadership, diversity and mindfulness … all important topics of "adulting". The journey is yours - what will you do with it? As adults in a society struggling to grasp issues of personal and social responsibility, how do we prepare to contribute to necessary solutions and fulfill our roles as leaders? In other words, how do we become adults? This course is designed to help students answer this question and consider some of the more complex issues of adulting. The Art of Adulting guides students through the development of a framework for assuring a future of self-reliance, personal satisfaction and social contribution through a survey-level course including modules on Education for Life, Career and Job Search Skills, Emotional Resilience, Personal Ethics, Pluralism, Mindfulness and Leadership. Each module includes selected readings, participation in group discussions, preparing personal reflections, and developing personal action plans. Students will be expected to articulate select action plans in sufficient detail as to put their plans into motion and report on both short-run outcomes and long-run expectations. Students will be required to select a focal topic from the course modules on which they're prepared to offer a research project resulting in a paper, presentation, and video. The project requires exploration of existing frameworks and the selection of structural elements useful in constructing a framework applicable to a range of disciplines. Through the paper students will evidence how their proposed framework's utility may lead to the types of social contribution and personal satisfaction associated with productive leadership in the campus community and beyond. The production of the personal video is intended to offer students an opportunity to reflect on their journey through the course and how they expect to utilize their proposed framework to influence the fabric of their lives. The course includes coordination with Giovale Library staff to provide students with necessary information literacy instruction. Students will be expected to use this in the preparation of their research paper and as a useful foundation for structuring future critical writing projects and assignments. (WCore: WCSBS, WE)
WCSBS 205 People, Power, and Protest 4 Credits
This course on social movements investigates key questions such as: How do social movements emerge? What do social movements do? Why do some movements succeed while others fail? To answer these questions, we draw from sociology, inter-disciplinary perspectives and cross-national approaches. This course will familiarize students with key concepts of this field - with a special focus on power and resistance - while exposing them to case studies of protest and social movements across the Americas and over time. (WCore: WCSBS, DE)
WCSBS 206 Social Entrepreneurship 4 Credits
Are you interested in contributing to the greater good through the career you choose? Do you want to do 'good' for others without sacrificing your own economic well being? Well, now you can. In this course you will learn about the growing phenomenon known as social entrepreneurship. In this class you will learn the theory behind social entrepreneurship and you will immerse yourself in the local economy of mission driven startups in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. (WCore: WCSBS, WE)
WCSBS 220 Social Justice By the Numbers 4 Credits
How can we measure and analyze justice, fairness, and equity in our society? How can we use such analysis to determine how to better ourselves and the society in which we live? Jordan Ellenberg describes math as “an atomic-powered prosthesis that you attach to your common sense”; in this course, you will develop your prosthesis and use it to analyze and improve the world around you. (WCore: WCSBS, QE)
WRIT 123 Writing and Language Diversity 4 Credits
In this writing-intensive class, we will read, write, and discuss the intersection of writing and language. As college students, we are asked to write "academically." But what does academic writing mean? And how does it relate to language? Academic writing will be a subject of study as well as a skill we will develop. Language, though it seems neutral, is provocative because of social attitudes toward language standards, diversity, and change. In a sense, we judge - and are judged - on how we use language, both in speech and writing. As we explore this intersection, we will become stronger readers, writers, and researchers who are aware of linguistic diversity and language in various rhetorical contexts. (WCore: WCSBS, WE)