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Sports Management Program Requirements

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Program Chair

  • Alysse Morton (Chair)

Program Learning Goals

Students with a major in sports management will be able to:

  • Analyze the unique dynamics of the competitive environment in the sports industry
  • Implement best practices in sports-related organizations
  • Engage in professional and effective communication
  • Demonstrate leadership, management and administrative principles and practices specific to the sports industry and management
  • Develop strategies for beneficial change in accordance with rules and regulations of specific sport organizations

The sports management curriculum will also help students master the following university-wide learning goals:

  • Critical Thinking
    Students will comprehensively explore issues, ideas, artifacts, events, and other positions, before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.
  • Creativity
    Students will combine or synthesize new ideas, practices, or expertise in original ways that are characterized by innovation, divergent thinking, and risk taking.
  • Collaboration
    Students will demonstrate self-awareness, understanding of effective group dynamics, and project management skills.
  • Communication
    Students will communicate ideas to audiences in oral, visual, and written forms to establish knowledge, to increase understanding, or to advocate for a particular position.
  • Global Responsibility
    Students will (i) employ practices informed by social responsibility across the spectrum of differences and (ii) demonstrate knowledge of and evaluate solutions for, challenges affecting local, regional, and global communities.


The program offers an academic major leading to a Bachelor of Science degree or a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Program Requirements

The program will require students to maintain a 2.3 GPA and earn a grade of C or better in all required courses. Students must meet the university-wide graduation requirements in addition to the sports management major requirements:

  • 30 upper-division hours
  • 124 total hours
  • WCore or Honors College requirements

Bachelor of Science in Sports Management

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. Lower-Division Requirements 26  
ACCT 213 Financial Accounting 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
BUSI 101A Business Fundamentals I: Communicating 3 Co-requisites: BUSI 101B and BUSI 101C
BUSI 101B Business Fundamentals I: Calculating 3

MATH 101 or above

Co-requisites: BUSI 101A and BUSI 101C
BUSI 101C Business Fundamentals I: Company Lab 0 Co-requisites: BUSI 101A and BUSI 101B
BUSI 200 Business Math and Modeling 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
BUSI 225 Business Law 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
DATA 150 Data and Society 4  
ECON 253 Elementary Macroeconomics 3 MATH 101 or above
HPW 255 Foundations of Sports Management 4  
II. Upper-Division Requirements 22-24  
ECON 412S Sports Economics 2 ECON 253, MATH 101, ACCT 213
FINC 300 Business Finance 3 BUSI 200 and ACCT 213
HPW 345 Sports Law and Ethics 4 HPW 255
MGMT 305 Principles of Management 4 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
MGMT 422 Sports Management 2 MGMT 305
MKTG 300 Principles of Marketing 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
MKTG 422 Sports Marketing 2 MKTG 300

BUSI 440

2 internships, one sophomore year, one senior year (1-2) each
Business Fundamentals: Internship 2-4  
III. Elective Requirements 8  
Choose 8 credits of course work from the list below:
COMM 322 Multimedia Image Production 4  
COMM 326 Introduction to Web Writing and Design 4  
COMM 350 Organizational Communication 4 COMM 250
COMM 360 Race, Gender, Class and Media 4  
HPW 360 College Athletic Administration 4 HPW 255
MGMT 433 Organizational Behavior 4 MGMT 305
MKTG 303 Professional Selling 4 MKTG 300
IV. Senior Capstone 4  
SOC 330 Sports and Society (Spring - Odd years) 4  
Total Hours for the B.S. Sports Management 60-62  

Bachelor of Arts in Sports Management

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. Liberal Arts Requirements 12-20  

Students completing the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) must complete either:

(a) A declared academic minor other than a Business minor (Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship cannot be used) or

(b) Twelve credit hours of a single world language or

(c) Eight credit hours of a single world language and either:

  • Four credit hours of a Westminster May Term Study Experience or
  • Four credits of an international study tour transferred from an accredited college or university.
II. Lower Division Requirements 26  
ACCT 213 Financial Accounting 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
BUSI 101A Business Fundamentals I: Communicating 3 Co-requisites: BUSI 101B and BUSI 101C
BUSI 101B Business Fundamentals I: Calculating 3

MATH 101 or above

Co-requisites: BUSI 101A and BUSI 101C
BUSI 101C Business Fundamentals I: Company Lab 0 Co-requisites: BUSI 101A and BUSI 101B
BUSI 200 Business Math and Modeling 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
BUSI 225 Business Law 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
DATA 150 Data and Society 4  
ECON 253 Elementary Macroeconomics 3 MATH 101 or above
HPW 255 Foundations of Sports Management 4  
III. Upper Division Requirements 22-24  
ECON 412S Sports Economics 2 ECON 253, MATH 101, ACCT 213
FINC 300 Business Finance 3 BUSI 200 and ACCT 213
HPW 345 Sports Law & Ethics 4 HPW 255
MGMT 305 Principles of Management 4 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
MGMT 422 Sports Management 2 MGMT 305
MKTG 300 Principles of Marketing 3 BUSI 101A/101B/101C
MKTG 422 Sports Marketing 2 MKTG 300

BUSI 440

2 internships, one sophomore year, one senior year (1-2) each
Business Fundamentals: Internship 2-4  
IV. Electives 4  
Choose 4 hours of course work from courses below:
COMM 322 Multimedia Image Production 4  
COMM 326 Introduction to Web Writing and Design 4  
COMM 350 Organizational Communication 4 COMM 250
COMM 360 Race, Gender, Class and Media 4  
HPW 360 College Athletic Administration 4 HPW 255
MGMT 433 Organizational Behavior 4 MGMT 305
MKTG 303 Professional Selling 4 MKTG 300
V. Senior Capstone 4  
SOC 330 Sports and Society (Spring - Odd years) 4  
Total Hours for the Program 56-58  

Recommended Plan of Study

*Extra hours can be obtained by increasing internship hours, adding a minor, or taking classes for interest.