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Literature, Media, and Writing

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  • Ranjan Adiga
  • Eileen Chanza Torres
  • Georgiana Donavin 
  • Christopher LeCluyse (Chair)
  • Lance Newman

Literature, Media, and Writing Courses

Program Goals

  • Generate Effective Written and Oral Communication
    • Creatively and effectively practice writing and revision across a variety of genres
    • Locate, evaluate, and synthesize secondary sources and integrate them with analyses of texts and media
    • Collaborate with peers to give and receive constructive feedback on writing
  • Closely Analyze Texts and Media
    • Closely analyze texts and media from a range of periods and genres and generate written and spoken arguments about them supported by evidence and reasoning
    • Understand the social foundation and functions of language and media and their effects on communication
    • Develop interpretations and evaluations of texts and media through discussion with others
  • Understand Literary and Media History and Their Contexts
    • Demonstrate awareness of the width and breadth of Literature, Media, and Writing and the ability to make informed connections across these fields
    • Understand how literature and media emerge from, respond to, and influence various historical, cultural, and political contexts
    • Understand the role of race, class, gender, sexuality, and other categories of identity in how authors produce and how readers interpret texts and media
  • Engage with Contemporary Literary and Critical Discourses
    • Read and interpret literary and theoretical texts in relation to one another
    • Critically approach contemporary literary and theoretical discourses
    • Develop self-awareness by questioning biases and embracing diverse perspectives in reading, viewing, and writing


Students who major in Literature, Media, and Writing (LMW) learn how to analyze literature and media across periods, cultures, and genres. They develop evidence-supported written and spoken arguments. They research literature's historical and intersectional relationship with media, including oral, manuscript, print, film, and digital texts. They evaluate aspects of identity such as race, class, gender, and sexuality in the creation and interpretation of media and texts. Creative writing students take workshops in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and screenwritingpreparation for publishing their own work. LMW majors succeed in many careers, not only in education and publishing, but in government, business, law, and health sciences.

Program Highlights

  • The LMW program publishes a national literary magazine, ellipsis, each April. Editors and staff are students enrolled in LMW 326 and LMW 327 (1 credit each).
  • LMW students may work in the Writing Center, where they gain experience in teaching writing through individual consultations.
  • LMW courses offer unique opportunities for both creative and academic writing in a variety of media.
  • The LMW program houses Film Studies, encouraging interdisciplinary projects in film and literature.

Program Requirements

Majors must complete one LMW WCore course as well as two required lower-division LMW courses (LMW 222 and 223) as prerequisites for upper-division courses. Upper-division LMW courses are grouped into four categories: Periods and Movements, Language and Media, Theory, and Writing. Some courses fit multiple categories and will count toward whichever category is not already met or toward electives if other categories are already fulfilled. Majors pursuing the literary studies emphasis must complete two Periods and Movements courses, one Language and Media course, one Theory course, and one Writing course. Majors pursuing the creative writing emphasis must complete two Periods and Movements courses, one Language and Media course, and one Theory course. Additional requirements are outlined in the tables below.

Students must maintain a minimum 2.3 GPA in courses required for the majors.

Students must meet the university-wide graduation requirements in addition to the LMW major:

  • 124 total hours
  • 30 upper-division hours
  • WCore or Honors College requirements

Literature, Media, and Writing Major with Literary Studies Emphasis

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. World Language Requirement 8  
LMW majors must complete eight credit hours in a single world language.
II. Lower-Division Literature, Media, and Writing Courses 12  
Take one Literature, Media, and Writing WCore course in addition to LMW 222 and 223:
LMW 104 Books That Changed the World 4  
LMW 114 Searching for America 4  
LMW 130 Self-Discovery: Film and Literature 4  
LMW 133 Walking 4  
LMW 202 Worlds of Fantasy 4  
LMW 205 Goddesses, Heroes, and Others 4  
LMW 210 Digital Narratives 4  
LMW 215 Vampire Literature 4  
Take both of the following courses:
LMW 222 Texts and Media in Context 4 One LMW WCore
LMW 223 Critical Theory - Texts and Media 4 One LMW WCore
III. Upper-Division Literature, Media, and Writing Courses 19  
Take two Periods and Movements courses, one of which must be designated pre-1800: 8  
LMW 300 Special Topics in Periods and Movements 1-4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 332 Shakespeare and Film (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 350 Constructing Gender in Medieval Literature (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 353 American Literature 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 354 Medieval Entertainments (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 365 History of Genre 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 367 Literatures of the African Diaspora 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 368 US Minority Literature: Writing from the Margins 4  
LMW 373 Postcolonial Literature and Theory 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
ENVI 365 Literature of the Environment 4  
Take one Language and Media course: 4  
LMW 331 History and Structure of English 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 332 Shakespeare and Film (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 335 Englishes of the World: Accents and Affects 4 One WE course or HON 202
LMW 374 Studies in Language and Media 1-4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 375 Literature in Manuscript, Print, and New Media 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 378 Podcasting 4  
LMW 380 Video Game Culture 4  
Take one Theory course: 4  
LMW 310 Theory and Teaching of Writing 3-4 Two WCFAH courses and one WE course or HON 202
LMW 339 Studies in Method, Theory, and Genre 1-4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 350 Constructing Gender in Medieval Literature (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 354 Medieval Entertainments (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 365 History of Genre 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 367 Literatures of the African Diaspora 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 368 US Minority Literature: Writing from the Margins 4  
LMW 373 Postcolonial Literature and Theory 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 377 Queer Theory and Posthumanism 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
ENVI 365 Literature of the Environment 4  
Take one Writing course: 3  
LMW 230 Intro to Creative Writing 4 One WE course or HON 202
LMW 310 Theory and Teaching of Writing 3-4 Two WCFAH courses and one WE course or HON 202
LMW 321 Creative Writing: Plays 3 LMW 230
LMW 322 Creative Writing: Poetry 3 LMW 230
LMW 323 Creative Writing: Screenwriting 3  
LMW 325

Creative Writing: Storytelling

LMW 329 Special Topics in Creative Writing 1-4 LMW 230
IV. Literature, Media, and Writing Electives 15  
Additional LMW coursework numbered 300 and above.
V. Interdisciplinary Elective 4  
One 300-level course in History or Philosophy
VI. Senior Capstone 4  
LMW 403 Thesis—Literary Studies 4 Senior Standing or by instructor permission
Total Hours for LMW Major with Literary Studies Emphasis 62  

Recommended Plan of Study for Literature, Media, and Writing with Literary Studies Emphasis

Literature, Media, and Writing Major with Creative Writing Emphasis

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. World Language Requirement 8  
LMW majors must complete eight credit hours in a single world language.
II. Lower-Division LMW Courses 16  
Take one Literature, Media, and Writing WCore course in addition to LMW 222, 223, and 230:
LMW 104 Books That Changed the World 4  
LMW 114 Searching for America 4  
LMW 130 Self-Discovery: Film and Literature 4  
LMW 133 Walking 4  
LMW 202 Worlds of Fantasy 4  
LMW 205 Goddesses, Heroes, and Others 4  
LMW 210 Digital Narratives 4  
LMW 215 Vampire Literature 4  
Take Courses:      
LMW 222 Texts and Media in Context 4 One LMW WCore
LMW 223 Critical Theory - Texts and Media 4 One LMW WCore
LMW 230 Introduction to Creative Writing 4 One WE course or HON 202
III. ellipsis Experience 2  
LMW 326 College Publications: Ellipsis 1  
LMW 237 College Publications: Ellipsis 1  
At least two consecutive semesters are required. LMW 326 and 327 may be repeated for up to four total semesters of Writing Elective credit.
IV. Upper-Division LMW Courses 16  
Take two Periods and Movements courses, one of which must be designated pre-1800: 8  
LMW 300 Special Topics in Periods and Movements 1-4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 332 Shakespeare and Film (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 350 Constructing Gender in Medieval Literature (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 353 American Literature 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 354 Medieval Entertainments (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 365 History of Genre 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 367 Literatures of the African Diaspora 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 368 US Minority Literature: Writing from the Margins 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 373 Postcolonial Literature and Theory 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
ENVI 365 Literature of the Environment 4  
Take one Language and Media course: 4  
LMW 331 History and Structure of English 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 332 Shakespeare and Film (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 335 Englishes of the World: Accents and Affects 4 One WE or HON 202
LMW 374 Studies in Language and Media 1-4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 375 Literature in Manuscript, Print, and New Media 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 378 Podcasting 4  
LMW 380 Video Game Culture 4  
Take one Theory course: 4  
LMW 310 Theory and Teaching of Writing 3-4 Two WCFAH courses and one WE or HON 202
LMW 339 Studies in Method, Theory, and Genre 1-4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 350 Constructing Gender in Medieval Literature (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 354 Medieval Entertainments (pre-1800) 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 365 History of Genre 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 367 Literatures of the African Diaspora 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 368 US Minority Literature:  Writing from the Margins 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 373 Postcolonial Literature and Theory 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
LMW 377 Queer Theory and Posthumanism 4 One LMW WCore and LMW 222 or 223
ENVI 365 Literature of the Environment 4  
V. Writing Electives 13  
These courses may be repeated for credit. Additional courses in the Writing category may be substituted with advisor consent.
LMW 321 Creative Writing: Plays 3 Two WCFAH courses and one WE or HON 202
LMW 322 Creative Writing: Poetry 3 LMW 230
LMW 323 Creative Writing: Screenwriting 3 LMW 230
LMW 325 Creative Writing: Storytelling 4  
LMW 326 College Publications: Ellipsis* (Offered fall) 1  
LMW 327 College Publications: Ellipsis* (Offered spring) 1  
LMW 329 Special Topics in Creative Writing 1-4 LMW 230
*May be repeated for up to four total semesters of Writing Elective credit.
VI. Interdisciplinary Elective 4  
One 300-level course in History or Philosophy
VII. Senior Capstone 4  
LMW 405 Thesis—Creative Writing 4 Senior Standing or by instructor permission
Total Hours for LMW Major with Creative Writing Emphasis 63  

Recommended Plan of Study for Literature, Media, and Writing with Creative Writing Emphasis

Literature, Media, and Writing Minor

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. Lower-Division Literature, Media, and Writing Courses 12  
Take one Literature, Media, and Writing WCore course in addition to LMW 222 and 223:
LMW 104 Books That Changed the World 4  
LMW 114 Searching for America 4  
LMW 130 Self-Discovery: Film and Literature 4  
LMW 133 Walking 4  
LMW 202 Worlds of Fantasy 4  
LMW 205 Goddesses, Heroes, and Others 4  
LMW 210 Digital Narratives 4  
LMW 215 Vampire Literature 4  
Take Courses:      
LMW 222 Texts and Media in Context 4 One LMW WCore
LMW 223 Critical Theory - Text and Media 4 One LMW WCore
II. Elective Courses 12  
Additional LMW coursework numbered 230 and above 12  
Total Hours for the LMW Minor 24