Spanish Courses

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SPAN - Spanish Courses

SPAN-110: Spanish I (Credits: 4)

A novice introduction to the written and spoken structures of the language. Cultural appreciation also emphasized.

SPAN-111: Spanish II (Credits: 4)

Continued development of second semester listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, as well as cultural appreciation.

SPAN-220: Spanish III (Credits: 4)

A third semester conversation/composition course with emphasis on grammar.

SPAN-301: The Spanish Speaking World (Credits: 4)

Development of speaking proficiency with professional application, such as medical, legal, and business Spanish. The study of cultural values is an integral component. May emphasize oral proficiency, idiomatic mastery, expository writing, and/or advanced grammar review. Course materials are derived from Spanish literature and contemporary cultural issues. (WCore: EWRLD)

SPAN-310: Spanish IV: Intro to Spanish Literature (Credits: 4)

An intermediate second or third-year conversation/composition course with readings in Spanish culture, history and literature.

SPAN-320: Survey of Peninsular Spanish Culture Lit (Credits: 4)

General survey of culture and civilization of the Iberian peninsula from its earliest inhabitants (intersection of Christian, Muslim and Jewish cultures) to the present (21st century). Covers major historic trends, varied genres, cultural and literary events, and society in a globalization sense.

SPAN-330: Survey Latin American Cult & Literature (Credits: 4)

Covers major historic trends in Latin American literature from Pre-Colombian to the present. Selections range from Mexican masterpieces to those of the Southern Cone.

SPAN-387: Undergraduate Teaching (Credits: 1 to 2)

Advanced students may work as teaching assistants to an instructor of SPAN 110 or 111. A maximum of two credit hours of SPAN 387 may be applied to the major or minor.

SPAN-401: Directed Studies (Credits: 1 to 4)

An in depth, independent course for student-initiated proposals on topics not normally offered in the Spanish program. Requires upper-division status, consent of instructor, (mentor) and school dean. This course is repeatable for credit.

SPAN-440: Internship (Credits: 1 to 8)

Offers students the opportunity to integrate classroom knowledge with practical experience. Students will be graded on assigned coursework and evaluation by their site supervisor. Prerequisites: 60 college credits completed (for transfer students at least 15 hours competed at Westminster or permission of instructor), minimum 2.5 GPA, and consent of faculty advisor and Career Center internship coordinator. Interns will work for 42 hours per each registered credit. This course is repeatable for credit. Some majors limit how many internship credits may count towards the major, consult your faculty advisor. REGISTRATION NOTE: Registration for internships is initiated through the Career Center website and is finalized upon completion of required paperwork and approvals. More info: 801-832-2590 -center/internships.html

SPAN-440S: Internship (Credits: 1 to 8)

SPAN-470: Senior Thesis (Credits: 2)

A capstone opportunity to produce a well-researched, fully documented, comprehensive thesis on a literary or cultural topic under the support and guidance of a Spanish faculty member. (WCore: SC)