Nursing Courses

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NURS - Nursing Courses

NURS-101: Aging Matters: Social Gerontology (Credits: 4)

The goal of this course is to prepare students to describe the complexity and diversity of older adults, explore ways to work effectively with older adults and promote healthy aging. Students will examine aspects of aging within historical, cultural, physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, economic and interpersonal contexts. The impact of an increased aging population on society and how society cares for the aging population will be a central theme of the course. (WCore: WCSBS)

NURS-108: Healthy, Sustainable Nutrition (Credits: 4)

The course includes the foundations of human dietary requirements, the basics of macronutrients and micronutrients, and nutritional needs across the lifespan needed for a pre-health occupation prerequisite. The primary prevention of the chronic diseases of first world populations, versus the needs of those of the third world will be compared and contrasted for the purpose of exploring complex issues of nutrition, food, health and environmental sustainability. Grounded in concepts of nutrition science and human ecology, the course will explore the impact of food production and consumption on human health and the environment. Deep learning is achieved through involvement in hands-on activities and assignments. Prerequisites: none. (WCore: WCSAM)

NURS-109: Sociology, Wellness, and Healthcare (Credits: 4)

Students are challenged to think critically about the sociology of health and healthcare. Questions students will analyze are: 1) how social forces affect health, illness, and healthcare; 2) how society views the meaning and experience of illness with an emphasis on mental illness; 3) the social distribution of healthcare in the United States; 4) the social meaning of health care systems and technologies; 5) the sociology of differing healthcare practitioners and practices. Additionally, students will explore how sociology can affect healthcare around the world. Finally, through case studies students will examine ethical dilemmas in healthcare and the politics underpinning those dilemmas. (WCore: WCSBS)

NURS-200A: Intro to Nursing (Credits: 2)

This course will focus on introducing students to the nursing discipline and exploring basic nursing concepts by learning about the nursing scope of practice. This course aims to help students who are considering a career within the nursing profession to understand the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the professional nurse. Additional exploration of multiple disciplines within the healthcare field will help students grasp an understanding of the many opportunities for service within the healthcare workforce. Not only will students learn about the fundamentals of pursuing a career in nursing, but they will also have the opportunity to learn how to prepare for the demanding requirements of nursing school by learning how to improve study habits and how to utilize information being taught in pre-requisite courses to form connections to future nursing knowledge.

NURS-210: Nutrition (Credits: 3)

An introductory study of nutritional principles applicable to people throughout the life span, in both health and illness. Students learn nutritional assessment and the impact of personal and sociocultural factors on nutritional status. Dietary implications during critical developmental periods and pathologic conditions are discussed. Students analyze their own diets, discuss and experience therapeutic diets, and explore the process of making lifestyle changes related to nutrition.

NURS-280: Pathophysiology (Credits: 3)

Provides students with knowledge of pathophysiologic processes and environmental factors that influence or alter an individual's health. Prerequisites: BIOL 103, 104; CHEM 103, 201; concurrent enrollment in BIOL 111.

NURS-312: Foundations of Nursing Practice I (Credits: 4)

This course focuses on an introduction to nursing practice including the nursing process, clinical skills, and the roles and responsibilities of the professional nurse. Students apply theoretical principles, collect and analyze data, develop health assessment skills, provide nursing interventions, and document findings. Focus is on health and promoting the health of individuals and communities at large. Prerequisite: NURS 280.

NURS-313: Foundations Nursing I Practice Practicum (Credits: 5)

Clinical component for Foundations of Nursing Practice I.

NURS-314: Community Mental Health Nursing (Credits: 4)

This course focuses on community and mental health nursing concepts. There are two areas of focus for this course. The first is the development of and understanding of mental health alterations in clients with mental illness. Emphasis is placed on common psychiatric disorders and treatments with related nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions, and the overall conceptual models of psychiatric nursing care. The second area of focus is on community health nursing concepts with an emphasis on community and family assessment, health promotion, and planning for the health of communities, families, and individuals across the lifespan. (WCore: EWRLD)

NURS-315: Communication Skills for Nurses (Credits: 2)

The course focuses on therapeutic communication skills and the techniques used to produce positive nurse-client relationships with diverse populations across the lifespan. In addition, the students will develop skills as they relate to inter- and intra- professional communication and collaboration to produce positive working relationships in the practice setting.

NURS-330: Foundations of Nursing Practice II (Credits: 4)

This course focuses on the comprehension, application, and analysis of concepts of health, illness and nursing care across the lifespan in acute care and community settings. Emphasis is placed on the etiology, clinical evaluation and use of evidence-based nursing interventions to manage specific health problems related to cardiovascular, hematologic, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, endocrine, renal, musculoskeletal, and neurologic systems. Skills and techniques required to care for clients across the lifespan with commonly occurring disease are included.

NURS-331: Foundations Nurs Practice II Practicum (Credits: 6)

Clinical component for Foundations of Nursing Practice II.

NURS-370: Nursing Scholarly Inquiry & Informatics (Credits: 3)

This course provides students with the conceptual basis for understanding nursing theory and the research process. Students experience broad exposure to nursing theorists and the application of theory to practice. Students analyze nursing research and evaluate findings for application in evidence-based nursing practice. Students will be introduced to an overview of informatics topics that relate to the delivery of safe and quality patient nursing care for a variety of healthcare settings.

NURS-401: Directed Studies (Credits: 1 to 4)

A tutorial-based course used only for student- initiated proposals for intensive individual study of topics not otherwise offered in the Nursing Program. This course is repeatable for credit.

NURS-406: Nursing Pharmacology (Credits: 4)

This course will explore the study of pharmacology and how it relates to the nursing process and the role of the bachelorette prepared registered nurse generalist. Principles of pharmacology will be discussed including drugs and the body, dosage calculations, chemotherapeutic and anti-infective agents, drugs acting on the immune, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems. Students will gain greater understanding of potential drug complications and interactions to administer medications safely and properly across the lifespan.

NURS-414: Foundations of Nursing Practice III (Credits: 4)

This course focuses on the application, analysis and synthesis of concepts of health, illness and nursing care across the lifespan in community and acute care settings, including hospital intensive care units. Emphasis is placed on assessment, nursing diagnosis, and implementation of evidence-based nursing interventions in the holistic management of clients with specific health problems. Students will learn to collaborate with medical, surgical, and allied health practitioners to maximize the wellness of clients with complex, acute and chronic illness. Prerequisites: NURS 315, NURS 330, NURS 331, and NURS 420.

NURS-415: Found Nursing Practice III Practicum (Credits: 4)

Clinical component for Foundations of Nursing Practice III.

NURS-417: Transitional Care Nursing Practicum (Credits: 2)

Clinical component for Transitional Care Nursing.

NURS-418: Transitional Care Nursing (Credits: 3)

This course focuses on transitional periods across the lifespan. It emphasizes the application of nursing care during periods of birth, death, and transitions of health. Emphasis will be placed on safety, the coordination and continuity of patient care, prevention and avoidance of complications, appropriate nursing interventions, and treatment. The application of patient care will be accomplished with the active engagement of patients, their families and interprofessional collaboration.

NURS-419: Leadership in Nursing (Credits: 2)

This course integrates the nursing process with the concepts of leadership, management, and organizational theory. The role of nursing in monitoring and ensuring the quality of health care practices is examined. Emphasis is placed on issues of leadership, management, power, change, motivation, conflict, group dynamics and interfacing of autonomous, dependent and interdependent nursing functions in current and future health care delivery systems. This course emphasizes that all nurses are leaders to clients, families, team members and the public. Prerequisites: Requires all third semester nursing courses including NURS 370, NURS 414, NURS 415, and NURS 418.

NURS-420: Nursing Pharmacology II (Credits: 2)

This class will build on the knowledge gained in Nursing Pharmacology 1 and focus on specific pharmaceutical agents used in patient care across the lifespan. Health prevention and promotion as it relates to pharmacology will be addressed, exploring topics such as immunizations, vitamins, complementary therapies, and herbal preparations. Pharmacotherapeutics will be addressed using a body systems approach to assist the student in understanding treatment for specific disease processes including medication classification, administration, side effects, and avoidance of potential complications. Prerequisites: NURS 320,NURS 330, NURS 331, and NURS 370 Scholarly Inquiry & Informatics.

NURS-425: Ethics in Professional Nursing (Credits: 2)

This course is designed to give an overview of the evolution of nursing ethics and the impact that nursing ethics has on the professional baccalaureate prepared nurse. Focus will be placed on the moral principles and ethical perspectives (justice vs. care) that are important to nursing. The implications of traditional and contemporary ethical theories for nursing will also be explored. Students will explore accountability and responsibility for nursing judgment and action and develop and respect for human dignity and preservation of integrity.

NURS-430: Capstone Practicum (Credits: 6)

This course is a clinical synthesis experience designed to refine and integrate previously learned knowledge and skills into professional practice through a cooperative learning experience. Students plan, deliver and manage care under the supervision of a licensed preceptor. The student will further develop clinical reasoning and proficiency in patient management and evaluation through assignments in a variety of patient care settings. Working closely with staff and faculty, the student will gain the confidence and the skills needed to function as a novice nurse who is a designer, manager and coordinator of care.

NURS-431: Capstone Synthesis (Credits: 2)

Weekly seminar provides an opportunity for the analysis, synthesis, refinement and integration of nursing knowledge. This course provides activities and discussion that facilitate the student's transition to professional nursing practice. The student will build clinical reasoning and develop beginning proficiency in patient management and evaluation through assignments in a variety of patient care settings. Working closely with staff and faculty, the student will gain the confidence and the skills needed to function as a novice nurse who is a designer, manager and coordinator of care. (WCore: SC)

NURS-440S: Internship (Credits: 1 to 8)