Management Courses

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MGMT - Management Courses

MGMT-210: Teams (Credits: 2)

Teams are an ever-present feature of work life today. In this course, you will learn to distinguish among different kinds of work group structures--all of which commonly go under the label of "teams"-- and learn which structures are best suited for which organizational purposes. You will also learn skills on how to be a more effective team member.

MGMT-305: Principles of Management (Credits: 4)

This course explores two areas of management: strategy and organizational behavior. In this course, students will examine the primary components of the strategic planning process which include mission statements, industry and company analysis, as well as competitor analysis. Students will also focus on the organizational behavior skills for strategic decisions and implementation. These topics will include decision making, communication, teamwork, leadership, and organizational change. Examples and cases will focus on global companies.

MGMT-309: Operations Management (Credits: 3)

At its most basic level, Operations Management is the transformation of inputs into goods and services. Along the transformation, there are a variety of factors that must be taken into account including the design of the process, the quality of the materials and the process, the supply chain, the management of materials, and a variety of other issues. Throughout this course, we will investigate the transformation process and how firms can successfully incorporate operations management as part of the corporate strategy. As part of the course, we will see how operations management plays a role within the firm. We will also cover a number of quantitative tools useful in an operations setting. Lastly, it is expected that by the end of the semester, students will have a better understanding of why, regardless of the business discipline you choose, understanding a firm's operations is critical to overall business knowledge.

MGMT-310: The Entrepreneurial Mindset (Credits: 2)

Entrepreneurs are different. They think differently; they measure performance differently than do managers of established businesses. This course will introduce you to how entrepreneurs think in the face of radical uncertainty; how they set goals, measure progress, and learn from failure and setbacks. You will learn what motivates entrepreneurs. Here's a hint: It's not money. You will also be introduced to the dynamic entrepreneurial startup community in SLC.

MGMT-311: Business Model Development (Credits: 2)

Going from an idea for a new business to its actual startup is a process. In this course you will learn a repeatable process for turning an idea into a viable business. You will repeatedly test your burgeoning idea in the marketplace through a process known as customer discovery. You will learn how to design and build a minimal viable product as quickly and inexpensively as possible. You will learn to articulate your business model through oral pitches, by producing a promotional video, and by writing a business plan and executive summary.

MGMT-312: Citizen Diplomacy (Credits: 4)

This course will utilize Citizen Diplomacy to discover and identify perspectives that inform global challenges. Students will explore their identities as world citizens and compare and contrast them with those of people from their own and other countries, ages, and social locations. They will attend Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy (UCCD) lectures and have direct discussions with International Visitor Leadership Program participants, "the U.S. Department of State's premier professional exchange program" sponsored locally by UCCD. Students will design and implement a survey focused on the world's major challenges, reflect upon the data and recommend topics for future UCCD speakers. They will conduct research focused on a global challenge and present their findings. (WCore: EWRLD)

MGMT-400: Global Business Strategy (Credits: 4)

Effective management and marketing of international business begins with understanding intercultural relations. The main purpose of this course is to understand cross cultural communication, develop marketing strategies and tactics for global markets and develop strategic management plans to manage employees and other resources in global markets.

MGMT-401: Directed Studies (Credits: 1 to 4)

A tutorial-based course used only for student- initiated proposals for intensive individual study of topics not otherwise offered in the Management Program. Requires junior or senior standing and consent of instructor and school dean. This course is repeatable for credit.

MGMT-411: Managing Growth (Credits: 2)

Launching a new venture requires special ways of thinking and acting. But, with those, you have just begun. Leading a startup through a period of rapid growth requires a highly developed set of skills. In this course, you will learn the leadership skills, the financial discipline, the recruiting and hiring practices, and the performance management practices you must develop in order to successfully navigate this stage of growth of a startup.

MGMT-412: Special Topics in Management (Credits: 1 to 4)

This series of courses explores threats and opportunities related to legislative, cultural, economic, and technological considerations in business today and their impact on current and long-term decisions. Prerequisites vary with course content.

MGMT-422: Sports Management (Credits: 2)

This course reviews the role of management and leadership in sports. Emphasis will be on an overview of management and leadership theories, frameworks, and practices as they relate to sports.

MGMT-433: Organizational Behavior (Credits: 4)

This course explores the theories and develops the skill sets related to organizational behavior. The material focuses on 3 areas: understanding the individual, understanding teams, and understanding organizations as a whole social system.

MGMT-450: Advanced Strategic Planning (Credits: 4)

This course examines how firms gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Fundamentally the course addresses three core questions: 1. What determines the overall profitability of a business? 2. Why do some companies fail, while others succeed? 3. What, if anything, can managers do about it? The course demonstrates that for firms to be successful, the strategy must permeate all departments and functional areas. As such, this course integrates knowledge and skills gained from studies in the functional areas of business (e.g., marketing, organizational behavior, finance, accounting). The course also focuses on corporate strategy - how firms create value with multiple business units. These issues will help students understand and cope with issues they will face in the business world. Students acquire tools, insights, frameworks, and experience that will aid them in helping organizations achieve success. (WCore: SC)

MGMT-460: Org Change, Advanced Management (Credits: 4)

A comprehensive look at the change process in organizations. This course is an extension of strategic management concepts with the focus on the implementation of strategy rather than the formulation of strategy. The emphasis is on developing an understanding of multiple change models instead of focusing on a single model. This approach demands a systems perspective and the assumption that change is continuous. In addition, characteristics of successful and unsuccessful change are discussed. The overall objective of the course is to develop an understanding of the complexity of managing organizational change. Prerequisites: MGMT 305 or MGMT 433.

MGMT-465: Organizational Culture and Change (Credits: 4)

Every organization has a culture. This culture can either enable or hinder organizational success. This course will help you analyze and assess an organization's culture, identify areas for improvement and develop plans for cultural change. the course will also have you identify the kinds of organizational cultures most suited to your personality preferences and aspirations.