Latin Courses
LATN - Latin Courses
LATN-110: Latin I (Credits: 4)
This course focuses on Latin grammar, syntax and pronunciation, on Roman art forms that retained popularity through the Middle Ages, and on the joys of knowing even a little Latin. Through readings and enriching activities, you will see how you can use your Latin in our contemporary world.
LATN-111: Latin II (Credits: 4)
This course, like Latin 110, continues to emphasize the basics of Latin grammar, syntax, and pronunciation, but it provides more opportunities for cultural appreciation of Latinate societies, philosophies, and literatures. Through readings, compositions, field trips, game-playing, and research, you will gain a deeper understanding of the past and see the relevance of Latin in our contemporary world.
LATN-200: Special Topics in Latin (Credits: 1 to 4)
Topics of interest and importance not covered by regularly scheduled courses.
LATN-220: Latin III (Credits: 4)
This course meets with other courses in historical literatures, such as Goddesses, Heroes, and Others. Latin students read and translate Latin texts that others in the cross-listed course are studying in English translation. Through research and discussion, this course illuminates the importance of Latin to the foundations of knowledge in the Western world.
LATN-300: Special Topics in Latin (Credits: 1 to 4)
This course is appropriate for students who have been approved to complete a special course of study toward a contract Latin minor. It meets concurrently with upper division courses in historical literature such as Medieval Entertainments, where students engage with advanced Latin sources for a variety of texts. Latin 300 offers opportunities for independent research in a Latin-related topic of interest.