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ROTC (Cooperative Program with the University of Utah)

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Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Programs

Westminster offers students an opportunity to participate in the ROTC programs of the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, and the U.S. Navy through cooperative programs at the University of Utah.

ROTC programs offered through Westminster University correspond to those listed in the University of Utah’s General Catalog. Students are advised to contact Westminster’s Director of Veteran and Military Services or personnel associated with the appropriate military program at the University of Utah for detailed information.

U.S. Air Force ROTC (AIRF)

Department Office: Naval Science Building, Room 205, 110 South 1452 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Department Chair: Lt.Col. Trek Potter

The Department of Aerospace Studies offers four-year and three-year programs through the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC). These provide matriculated men and women an opportunity to earn a commission as officers in the United States Air Force in conjunction with completing baccalaureate degree requirements in academic fields of the student's choice.

AFROTC is a military training program that offers academic preparation in interdisciplinary areas including communication skills, Air Force history, leadership and management principles and practices, decision-making theory and policy formulation, ethics and values, socialization process within the armed services, national and international relations, national defense structure, national security policy, and military law. In addition to their traditional college courses, AFROTC cadets are required to be enrolled in two Aerospace Study (AS) courses every semester.

Entry into the academic Aerospace Study (AS) courses during the first two years of AFROTC is open to all students and does not require a military obligation (unless on an AFROTC scholarship). Entry into the Leadership Laboratory AS courses during the final two years is selective and is normally initiated during the student's sophomore year. Students may qualify to be commissioned in any of more than 60 technical and nontechnical officer career areas or as flight officers (pilots or navigators). For complete information concerning the Air Force ROTC Program, prospective students should contact: Department of Aerospace Studies, University of Utah at 801.581.6236.

Courses Credit Hours
AIRF 1010 Foundations of the USAF I 1
AIRF 1011 Foundations of the USAF II 1
AIRF 1110 General Military Leadership Laboratory I 1
AIRF 1111 General Military Leadership Laboratory II 1
AIRF 2006 Aerospace Studies Physical Fitness 1
AIRF 2010 Airpower History I 1
AIRF 2011 Airpower History II 1
AIRF 2110 General Military Leadership Laboratory III 1
AIRF 2111 General Military Leadership Laboratory IV 1
AIRF 2960 Special Topics 1-3
AIRF 3000 Air Force ROTC Field Training 4
AIRF 3010 Leadership Studies I 3
AIRF 3011 Leadership Studies II 3
AIRF 3110 Professional Officer Course Leadership Laboratory I 1
AIRF 3111 Professional Officer Course Leadership Laboratory II 1
AIRF 4010 National Security Affairs I 3
AIRF 4011 National Security Affairs II 3
AIRF 4110 Professional Officer Course Leadership Laboratory III 1
AIRF 4111 Professional Officer Course Leadership Laboratory IV 1
AIRF 4990 Directed Study 1-5


Department Office: University of Utah, 255 Ft. Douglas Blvd #638, Salt Lake City, Utah 84113
Department Chair: LTC Andrew Brown

Assistant Professor of Military Science, CPT Matthew Lehman;

The Military Science Department (Army ROTC) offers a leadership program for college men and women to earn commissions as second lieutenants in the United States Army (Active, Reserve, or National Guard). Two- and four-year programs are available. All courses receive academic credit toward graduation. Instructors, textbooks, uniforms, and equipment are provided by the Department of the Army without cost to the student.

The Basic Course provides instruction in basic leadership and hands-on military adventure training such as rappelling, survival instruction, skiing, land navigation, and rifle marksmanship. There is no military obligation for students taking the Basic Course. Students normally take this program during their freshman and sophomore years.

The Advanced Course provides extensive instruction in leadership development, military organization, management, tactics, and administration. Students may have the opportunity to attend specialty training such as Airborne or Air Assault School. This program is normally taken during the final two years of college.

Financial aid/scholarships are available from the Department of Military Science. For further information, contact the enrollment advisor at 801.581.1855.

Courses Credit Hours
ARMY 1010 Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking 2
ARMY 1020 Introduction to the Profession of Arms 2
ARMY 1060 Military Physical Readiness 1
ARMY 2010 Leadership and Decision Making 3
ARMY 2020 Army Doctrine and Team Development 3
ARMY 2090 Ranger Challenge 2
ARMY 2950 Independent Study 2-3
ARMY 3010 Training Management and Warfighting Functions 3
ARMY 3020 Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations 3
ARMY 3950 Independent Study 1-3
ARMY 3960 Military History Leadership in Adversity 3
ARMY 4010 The Army Officer 4
ARMY 4020 Company Grade Leadership 4
ARMY 4950 Senior Seminar 1-4


Department Office: Naval Science Building, Room 100, 110 South 1452 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Department Chair: CAPT. Brent A. Trickel

The major goals of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps ROTC Program are:

  1. To help educate midshipmen in a major field of interest to the Navy or Marine Corps leading to a baccalaureate degree.
  2. To provide midshipmen with fundamental concepts and principles of naval science and with the professional naval knowledge necessary to establish a sound basis for future growth as a Naval or Marine Corps officer.
  3. To prepare midshipmen for service with the highest sense of honor and integrity as commissioned officers; to cultivate the essential elements of military leadership; and to foster the growth of a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the service and to the nation.
  4. To prepare midshipmen to continue their education in a field of interest to the Navy or Marine Corps later in their careers.
  5. To instill the values of civilian higher education into the naval service by utilizing the expertise of civilian faculty instruction.

For complete information concerning the Naval ROTC Program, prospective students should contact Lisa Huff-Rottman at 801.581.6723.

Courses Credit Hours
NAVY 1010 Introduction to Naval Science 2
NAVY 1020 Seapower and Maritime Affairs 3
NAVY 2000 Leadership and Management 3
NAVY 2020 Naval Ships Systems II: Naval Engineering 3
NAVY 2110 Evolution of Warfare 3
NAVY 3010 Navigation 3
NAVY 3020

Naval Operations and Navigation II

Prerequisite: NAVY 3010
NAVY 3110 Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare 3
NAVY 3210 Marine Corps Bulldog Preparation 2
NAVY 4000 Naval Ships Systems I: Weapons 3
NAVY 4020

Leadership and Ethics

Prerequisite: NAVY 2000

Military Leadership Minor

Program Goals

  • Develop knowledge of military science appropriate to each branch of service
  • Apply leadership concepts to plan, communicate, and implement training, motivate personnel, and direct military operations
  • Think critically to understand and solve problems ethically and effectively
  • Understand global, historical, and social contexts for military leadership


The military leadership minor integrates ROTC courses for each branch of service (Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps) with a range of electives to help future military officers develop their skills as ethical leaders who understand the historical and social contexts in which US military forces operate. The minor is designed to help ROTC cadets enrich their military training through Westminster’s focus on liberal and professional education.

Program Requirements

ROTC cadets completing a Military Leadership minor select an option specific to their branch of service. Each option involves 12-14 credits of ROTC courses and 8-10 credits of electives chosen from a range of business, history, philosophy, political science, public health, or psychology courses.

Students must meet the university-wide graduation requirements in addition to those for the Military Leadership minor:

  • 124 total hours
  • 30 upper division hours
  • WCore or Honors College requirements
Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. ROTC Branch Courses 12-14  
Air Force Option 12  
AIRF 3010 Leadership Studies I 3  
AIRF 3011 Leadership Studies II 3  
AIRF 4010 National Security Affairs I 3  
AIRF 4011 National Security Affairs II 3  
Army Option 14  
ARMY 3010 Training Management and the Warfighting Functions 3  
ARMY 3020 Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations 3  
ARMY 4010 The Army Officer 4  
ARMY 4020 Company Grade Leadership 4  
Navy Option 12  
NAVY 1020 Seapower and Maritime Affairs 3  
NAVY 2020 Naval Ship Systems II: Naval Engineering 3  
NAVY 3010 Navigation 3  
NAVY 4020 Leadership and Ethics 3  
Marine Corps Option 12  
NAVY 1020 Seapower and Maritime Affairs 3  
NAVY 2110 Evolution of Warfare 3  
NAVY 3110 Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare 3  
NAVY 4020 Leadership and Ethics 3  
II. Electives* 8-10  
Take eight to ten credits from the following list:
HIST 214 Vietnam and America 4  
HIST 316 Slavery, Civil War, Legacy 4  
HIST 317 The U.S. as a World Power, 1890–1945 4  
HIST 325 Global Cold War 4  
HIST 329 Culture and Society in East Asia 4  
HIST 330 Middle Eastern History 4  
INTR 312 Citizen Diplomacy 4  
MGMT 210 Teams 2  
PHIL 131 Philosophy of Gender and Power 4  
PHIL 216 Ethical Issues in Health and Healthcare 3  
PHIL 221 Ethics of Diversity 4  
PHIL 280 Philosophy Without Borders 4  
PLSC 316 Global Politics 4  
PLSC 348 Congress and the Presidency 4  
PSYC 216 Social Psychology 3  
PUBH 110 Introduction to Public Health 3  
PUBH 210 Infectious and Chronic Diseases 3  
*Electives for the Military Leadership minor may double-count toward requirements for WCore, majors, other minors, or certificates.
Total Hours For Military Leadership Minor 20-24