School of Nursing and Health Sciences Programs and Faculty
Sheryl Steadman, Dean
The Westminster School of Nursing and Health Sciences offers programs leading to the Baccalaureate degrees in nursing and public health. The undergraduate program prepares students to begin practice as professional nurse generalists. The program is designed for all qualified applicants including high school graduates, transfer students, and those with degrees in other fields.
Baccalaureate Nursing Program
The Baccalaureate Nursing program prepares students to practice as professional nurses. The curriculum provides students with various clinical experiences to enhance their learning. Graduates of the program are prepared to take the national licensing examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). In addition, our program is fully accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education.
Human Performance and Wellness
Human Performance and Wellness courses include traditional strength training classes to innovative mind-body-spirit offerings in outdoor recreation and leadership opportunities, nutrition, athletic training, and preparation for certification in personal training and group exercise.
Baccalaureate Public Health Program
The Westminster University Bachelor of Science in Public Health Degree addresses the health of communities and populations through instruction, service, and research. The program builds on Westminster University’s excellence in liberal arts education by emphasizing the role the humanities and social sciences have in public health and then adding a commitment to scientific and quantitative sciences in addressing public health problems. Students who graduate with this degree will be able to utilize these tools to address public health issues with a scientifically sound methodology while remaining holistic, community-oriented and globally conscious.
Daniel Bunker, Associate Professor
John Contreras, Professor
Roland "Sam" Davis, Associate Professor
Elizabeth Hanna, Assistant Professor
Elizabeth Harald, Associate Professor
Susanne Jones, Professor
Han Kim, Professor
Ronda Lucey, Professor
Heidi Mason, Assistant Professor
Colette McAfee, Associate Professor
Cristina Monge, Professor
Ted Morris, Professor
Rachel Myrer, Assistant Professor
Curtis Nielson, Assistant Professor
Shauna Olsen, Assistant Professor
Rebecca Sanderson, Associate Professor
Manardie “Art” Shimata, Associate Professor
Sheryl Steadman, Dean and Associate Professor
Juanita Takeno, Assistant Professor
Cindy Thomas, Assistant Professor
Chris Torman, Associate Professor
Heidi Waldrop, Assistant Professor
Jon Worthen, Associate Professor