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Marketing Program Requirements

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  • Brian Jorgensen
  • Michael Keene (chair)
  • Nancy Panos Schmitt

View Marketing Courses

Program Goals

Students can complete a Bachelor of Science degree or a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing. The Marketing major is designed to prepare students to deliver marketing results in a variety of organizations. The major will ensure that students (1) understand the field of marketing and (2) master the fundamental marketing principles and tools necessary to assure success as marketers. Students completing majors in Marketing can:

  • Analyze the competitive environment and the firm’s positioning to develop successful advertising campaigns.
  • Demonstrate effective selling skills.
  • Use a variety of quantitative and qualitative market research methods for marketing decision-making.
  • Prepare a successful marketing plan for changing environments.

Program Requirements

To fulfill the requirements for the Marketing major, students must complete the courses outlined below. Students must maintain a minimum 2.3 GPA in business program coursework. Students are also required to complete the ETS Major Field Test in Business before they are eligible to graduate. Exceptions may be considered by program chair when relocation or other conditions make completion of the test impractical.

Students must meet the university-wide graduation requirements in addition to the Marketing major:

  • WCore or Honors College requirements
  • 30 upper division hours
  • 124 total hours

Undergraduate Business Core

Students in all business majors, including marketing, complete a common undergraduate core designed to develop skills in all functional areas of business.

There are two components to the common undergraduate core: the lower-division requirements, and the upper-division requirements. Since many of the lower-division core requirements are prerequisites for upper-division core requirements, students should work to complete lower-division courses early in their programs. Upper-division core requirements should be taken when prerequisites are met. Prerequisites are noted in the table below.

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. Core Lower Division Courses 25  
ACCT 213 Financial Accounting 3 BUSI 101A/B/C
BUSI 101A Business Fundamentals I: Communicating 3  
BUSI 101B Business Fundamentals I: Calculating 3 MATH 101 or above
BUSI 101C Business Fundamentals I: Company Lab 0  
BUSI 200 Applied Business Math and Modeling 3 BUSI 101A/B/C
BUSI 225 Business Law and Ethics 3 BUSI 101A/B/C
ECON 253 Elementary Macroeconomics 3 MATH 101 or above
ECON 263 Elementary Microeconomics 3 MATH 101 or above
DATA 220 Modern Statistics 4  
II. Core Upper Division Courses 23-25  
ACCT 313 Managerial Accounting 3 ACCT 213
BUSI 300 Information Technology 3 BUSI 200
BUSI 350 Business Fundamentals II: Integrative Core. The ETS exam is administered in BUSI 350. Learn more about ETS. 2 ACCT 313; BUSI 225, 300; DATA 150 or 220; ECON 263; FINC 300; MGMT 305, MGMT 309; MKTG 300.

BUSI 440 or

BUSI 441 or

BUSI 442

Business Fundamentals III: Internship or

Business Practicum or

Business Portfolio



BUSI 350, junior or senior standing, and signed approval from the Practice/Exp Director.

Transfer students must complete a min. of 15 Westminster credit hours or obtain permission of instructor prior to completing an internship for credit.

All business majors are required to complete BUSI 440 or BUSI 441 or BUSI 442.
FINC 300 Business Finance 3 BUSI 200 and ACCT 213
MGMT 305 Principles of Management 4 BUSI 101A/B/C
MGMT 309 Operations Management 3 BUSI 200
MKTG 300 Principles of Marketing 3 BUSI 101A/B/C
Total Hours for the Marketing Core Courses 48-50  

Bachelor of Science in Marketing

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. Undergraduate Business Core 48-50  
Please refer to Undergraduate Business Core for requirements.    
II. Major Requirements 12  
MKTG 303 Professional Selling 4 MKTG 300
MKTG 428 Advertising 4 MKTG 303
MKTG 435 Marketing Research and Planning 4 MKTG 300 and DATA 150 or 220; senior standing
III. Electives 8  
Choose eight hours of elective coursework from the following:
COMM 326 Introduction to Web Writing and Design 4  
MGMT 400 Global Business Strategy 4 MGMT 305 or MKTG 300
MKTG 305 Entrepreneurial Marketing -- not available as an elective for Entrepreneurship minors 2  
MKTG 412 Special Topics in Marketing 1-4  
MKTG 420 Consumer Behavior 4 MKTG 300
Or other upper division electives as approved by advisor    
IV. Senior Capstone 4  
MKTG 490 Senior Seminar in Marketing 4 MKTG 428
B.S. Marketing Program 72–74  

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. Undergraduate Business Core 48-50  
Please refer to Undergraduate Business Core for requirements.    
II. Bachelor of Arts Requirements 12  

Students completing the Bachelor of Arts option (B.A.) must complete either:

a. A declared academic minor other than a Business minor (Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Sports Management cannot be used) or

b. Twelve credit hours of a single world language; or

c. Eight credit hours of a single world language, and either:

  • Four credit hours of a Westminster May term study/cultural international experience, or
  • Four credits of an international study tour transferred from an accredited college or university.
See World Language Requirement for equivalencies, AP and CLEP credit policy.
III. Upper Division Required Courses 12  
MKTG 303 Professional Selling 4 MKTG 300
MKTG 428 Advertising 4 MKTG 303
MKTG 435 Marketing Research and Planning 4 MKTG 300 and DATA 150 or 220; senior standing
IV. Electives 4  
COMM 326 Introduction to Web Writing and Design 4  
MGMT 400 Global Business Strategy 4 MGMT 305 or MKTG 300
MKTG 305 Entrepreneurial Marketing -- not available as an elective for Entrepreneurship minors 2  
MKTG 412 Special Topics in Marketing 1-4  
MKTG 420 Consumer Behavior 4 MKTG 300
Or other upper division electives as approved by advisor    
V. Senior Capstone 4  
MKTG 490 Senior Seminar in Marketing 4 MKTG 428
Total Hours for the B.A. Marketing Program 80–82  

Recommended Plan of Study

Starting Business as a First-Year Student

Starting Business as a Sophomore