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Psychology Program Requirements

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  • Jonathan Amburgey (Chair)
  • Kelly Asao
  • Christopher Davids
  • Julian Mendez
  • Paul Presson

View Psychology Courses

Program Goals

Students will gain a comprehensive understanding and/or application of the following:

  • Knowledge Base in Psychology
  • Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking
  • Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World
  • Communication
  • Professional Development


Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology offers an academic major leading to a Bachelor of Science degree, as well as an academic minor. The psychology curriculum provides students with an academic and experiential background for graduate study in psychology and/or employment in social service, research, and other settings where an understanding of human behavior, thought, and emotion is relevant. The curriculum in the psychology major gives students a breadth of background while also allowing some specialization. A major or minor in psychology is for students who have a general interest in understanding behavior and its determinants.

Program Requirements

Students must maintain at least a cumulative 2.5 GPA in courses required for the psychology major and minor. To fulfill the requirements for a major in psychology, students must complete a minimum of 45 credit hours of coursework in psychology. Students are encouraged to participate in a field experience in psychology (PSYC 340) and may apply a maximum of 5 credit hours of field experience coursework to the major. For students considering graduate school, high academic achievement in upper-division courses, including Quantitative Research Methods, 400-level coursework, and gaining research experience is strongly recommended.

Students must meet the university-wide graduation requirements in addition to the Psychology major:

  • 124 total hours
  • 30 upper division hours
  • WCore or Honors College requirements

Psychology Major

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. World Language Requirement 8  
Psychology majors must complete eight credit hours in a single world language.
II. Lower Division Courses 26  
PSYC 105 Bust That Psych Myth 4  
NEURO 205 Brain and Behavior 4  
DATA 220 Modern Statistics 4  
PSYC 255 Career Exploration 2 PSYC 105 and sophomore standing
PSYC 270 Thinking and Writing for Psychology 4 PSYC 105 and sophomore standing
Take two courses from this list:    
PSYC 203 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 4  
PSYC 209 Cognitive Psychology 4 PSYC 105
PSYC 216 Social Psychology 4 PSYC 105
PSYC 252 Personality Theories 4 PSYC 105
III. Upper Division Courses 18-20  
PSYC 390 Quantitative Research Methods 4 DATA 220, PSYC 270
Take three 300-level courses from at least two different Groups from Groups A-D 12 PSYC 270 (groups A-C) and NEURO 205 (group D)
One 400-level course 2-4  
IV. Electives 6  
Six (6) credits of PSYC or NEURO coursework that does not already fulfill lower and upper-division course requirements.
Total Hours for the Psychology Major 58-60  

300-Level Course Groups

  • Group A
    • PSYC 300 Special Topics Courses labeled as Group A (Offered on a semester-by-semester basis)
    • PSYC 315 Human Services Practicum
    • PSYC 358 Methods of Counseling
    • PSYC 362 Psychological Disorders
    • PSYC 363 Exploring Addictions
  • Group B
    • PSYC 300 Special Topics Courses labeled as Group B (Offered on a semester-by-semester basis)
    • PSYC 301 Child Development
    • PSYC 305 Adolescent Development
    • PSYC 334 Psychology of Masculinities (Counts for Group B or C)
    • PSYC 335 Psychology of Women (Counts for Group B or C)
    • PSYC 345 Learning, Memory, and Motivation (Counts for Group B or D)
    • PSYC 351 Animal Minds & Human Evolution (Counts for Group B or C)
  • Group C
    • PSYC 300 Special Topics Courses labeled as Group C (Offered on a semester-by-semester basis)
    • PSYC 318 Health Psychology
    • PSYC 325 Multicultural Psychology
    • PSYC 335 Psychology of Women (Counts for Group B or C)
    • PSYC 351 Animal Minds & Human Evolution (Counts for Group B or C)
    • PSYC 356 Sources of Social Influence
    • PSYC 388 Environmental Psychology
  • Group D
    • NEURO 300 Special Topics Courses labeled as Group D (Offered on a semester-by-semester basis)
    • NEURO 305 Human Brain Development
    • NEURO 306 Behavioral Neuroscience and Lab

Recommended Plan of Study for Psychology

Psychology with Emphasis in Cognitive Science

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. World Language Requirement 8  
Psychology majors must complete eight (8) credit hours in a single world language.
II. Lower Division Courses 26  
PSYC 105 Bust That Psych Myth 4  
NEURO 205 Introduction to Brain and Behavior 4  
DATA 220 Modern Statistics 4  
PSYC 255 Career Exploration 2 PSYC 105 and sophomore standing
PSYC 270 Thinking and Writing for Psychology 4 PSYC 105 and sophomore standing
PSYC 209 Cognitive Psychology 4  
Take two courses from this list:    
PSYC 203 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 4  
PSYC 216 Social Psychology 4 PSYC 105
PSYC 252 Personality Theories 4 PSYC 105
III. Upper Division Courses 18-20  
PSYC 390 Quantitative Research Methods 4 DATA 220, PSYC 270
Two 300-level courses from Groups A-C 8 PSYC 270
Take one course from the following:    
NEURO 306 Behavioral Neuroscience 4 NEURO 205
NEURO Special Topics in Neuroscience as advised 4  
Take one course from the following list:    
NEURO 408 Cognitive Neuroscience 4 PSYC 105, NEURO 205, DATA 220, and PSYC/NEURO 390 or NEURO/PSYC 302
NEURO 409 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience 2 PSYC 105, BIOL 204, NEURO 205, and PSYC/NEURO 390 or NEURO 302
NEURO 430 Independent Research Thesis 2-4 NEURO 302 or 390
PSYC 434 Social Neuroscience 4 NEURO/PSYC 390 or NEURO 302, and PSYC 216 or NEURO/PSYC 205
IV. Electives 6  
Six (6) credits of PSYC or NEURO coursework that does not already fulfill lower and upper-division course requirements.
Total Hours for the Psychology Major With Cognitive Science Emphasis 58-60  

Recommended Plan of Study Psychology with Emphasis in Cognitive Science

Psychology Minor

To fulfill the requirements for a minor in psychology, students must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in psychology, neuroscience, and data science.

NEURO majors minoring in PSYC must complete PSYC 203, PSYC 216, or PSYC 252 and cannot count PSYC 209 toward the PSYC minor requirements if PSYC 209 is used to fulfill NEURO major requirements.

Requirement Description Credit Hours Prerequisites
I. Required Courses 16  
PSYC 105 Bust That Psych Myth 4  
DATA 220 Modern Statistics 4  
PSYC 270 Thinking and Writing for Psychology 4 PSYC 105 and sophomore standing
PSYC 390 Quantitative Research Methods 4 DATA 220, PSYC 270
II. Psychology Electives 8  
Take one course from the following list:    
PSYC 203 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 4  
NEURO 205 Brain and Behavior 4  
PSYC 209 Cognitive Psychology 4 PSYC 105
PSYC 216 Social Psychology 4 PSYC 105
PSYC 252 Personality Theories 4 PSYC 105
Take one 300-level course from Groups A-D 4 PSYC 270 (groups A-C) and NEURO 205 (group D)
Total Hours for the Psychology Minor 24