Degree Requirements
Governing Academic Catalog
Students may meet degree requirements as specified in the Academic Catalog in effect at the time of their entrance into the university, or they may elect to meet requirements given in a later academic catalog. All requirements must be contained within a single issue and may not be selected from several issues.
Students who leave the university for no more than two regular semesters retain the right to be considered under their previous catalog and retain the right for six years following the date of entrance to graduate under requirements current at the time of entrance.
Graduation Requirements
To be eligible for a master’s degree or graduate certificate, students must satisfy the conditions outlined in each program. The final responsibility for being informed about, and adhering to, graduation requirements rests with the individual student.
Residency Requirement
All graduate students at Westminster are expected to complete their programs in residence at Westminster University. Students who have extenuating circumstances arise during their programs should consult individually with their program director.